Friday, 15 July 2011

Wawasan Park Putrajaya

A Hidden Gem! That's what we felt on our first visit on Taman Wawasan Putrajaya. "Wawasan Park" is our direct translation, Wawasan means Vision. The garden was named align to the Malaysian "Vision 2020", a vision for Malaysian to push our country to become a developed country, on or before 2020.

Come back to the park. It is really a huge park, touches the Boulevard on one end, while the lakeside of the Ministry of Foregn Affair, flanking Lebuh Ehsan (Ehsan Evenue) on another. Still have no idea how big it is? Well, if we jog slowly, we might have to take 1 hour to make a full round of the garden. Got it? Nevermind, visit on your own and you will know it for sure :)

Pond with water lily is an antidote for pressured mind (upper left). Peaceful and greenery surrounded walkway is the main theme of the park, with some nature blending landscapes.

The landscape beside the Ministry of Finance at Putrajaya, with a tidy row of yellow flowered tree (upper and lower left). Staircase lead to the Hibiscus Courtyard (upper right). The water fountain which is not operational during our visit.

The garden is a gem. Of course, the flora, the design, the maintenance, and the landscape count. But the best part, the tranquillity- very very few visitors. As far as we could go, we encounter many fauna, but zero human being. Quiet and peace, interrupted only by chirping birds, buzzing bees, whirling lepidoptera and darting odonata.That was 5 pm, on a nice Sunday afternoon.

A nice theater without audience. An ideal place for you to practice for the next Malaysia Idol :p

Jogging track checked, resting gazebos checked, flowers checked, shaddy walkway, fresh air, fountains, lily ponds and beautiful lakeside, all checked. So, why don't we endulge our weekends with a quiet full-of-nature experience at Putrajaya? Bring along your sport shoes, small towel, drinking water, and maybe your DSLR. Most importantly, find one or two companions, to cleave the feeling of alone-in-the-garden.

Nice landscape with resting area around the park.

Flowers available around the park.

Hibiscus is abundant at the Hibiscus Courtyard.

Fountains at the Hibiscus Courtyard. The building on the right is a part of the Ministry of Finance, while the staircase on far left leads to the rest of the Taman Wawasan.

How to access to Taman Wawasan? Several ways. First, from Masjid Putra at Precinct 1, walk down the Boulevard towards the building for Ministry of Finance. The Hibiscus Courtyard, which is a part of Taman Wawasan is on the left, just after the bridge. Secondly, drive to Ministry of Foreign Affair through Lebuh Ehsan. The parking area is located right on the opposite of the main ministry building.

Do not want to drive? Hop onto a Nadi Putrajaya shuttle Bus from Putrajaya Central ERL station and get to Putra Mosque of The Ministry of Foreign Affair. You can access to the park from that two locations.

A scene from Pebbled Beach in Taman Wawasan, with Perdana Putra- the office of Prime Minister well reflected on the calm lake.

A nice view downcast from the top of the hill in Taman Wawasan. The Boulevard starts with the bridge span across the lake.

If you are a visitor from another country, for frank, please forget about this park. You should fill your itinarary with more fascinating places such as Petronas Twin Towers, Aquaria KLCC, KL Bird Park, KL National Museum, etc. However, it is a good place for our locals to spend a whole afternoon, instead of lying lazily at home.

Some advices, no hawker nor vendor, no food nor drink is available in the park. So, please bring along your own supplies. Mosquito repellent is essential to keep the mosquitoes away. You might regret without it, if you are the kind of mosquitoes attractor. The park is quite hidden from public, so try your best not to be alone in the park (although security guards are available at some points). The toilets, clean and well distributed. So, no issue on that.

More places in Putrajaya on our list:

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