Friday, 27 September 2013

[J-14] La fin est proche

Abondant play list - sample #5
Janelle Monae – Dance Apocalyptic 2013

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Conch - symbol for luminance and purity

Conch is symbol for luminance and purity. Gods are invited to rituals at the beginning by resonating conch .Conch is known as 'Sankham' in sanskrit and defined as Sam - Good & kham that means water. Totally sankham means a vessel which stores holy water. Generally, this conch is used to store pure water which is called 'Thirtha'. This water will be distributed and taken to remove negative energy.
Cultural Importance:
There is a cultural importance for sacred conch in the ancient Hindu rituals. Conch had taken birth when good and evil forces churned the milky ocean for immortal nectar.
Once there was a demon king called Shankasura who theft 'Vedas' by defeating Devas. Devas prayed to Lord Vishnu and Lord Vishnu in Mastyavtar killed Shankasura and taken bones from ear and head which resembles in the shape of conch and blown as symbol of his victory. The sacred sound “OM”is generated when Lord Vishnu blown conch.

According to Hindu ancient texts, Sun, Moon and Varuna reside at the bottom of conch. Lord Prajapathi will reside at upper part of the conch. All sacred rivers and waterfalls lay in the front position of conch.

Whenever conch is blown, due to those sound waves coming from it kill all the diseases causing virus in the environment. Hence Conch has got its own importance in ayurveda.

No temple should be opened without blowing Conch which was stated in Varahapurana. Blowing conch will attract sattva guna (positive energy) and creates a protective shield to the place where it was blown. Conch turned in right side will be used to keep in houses to gain money, calmness and development in life.

Conch is kept in silver vessel or mud vessel by packing with red cloth. Conch shouldn't kept empty it should be filled with water or rice. Conch is used to give water to sun as arghyam. In yoga there is shanka mudra to control disorders of nervous system.


All types of rituals were started by whistling the conch in Hinduism. Lord Vishnu carries conch called Panchajanyam. In the epic Mahabharata, Arjuna carries conch called Devadattam, Bhima has Pondram, Dharmaraju has Ananthavijayam, Nakula has Saghosha and Sahadeva has Manipuspakam.

Whenever conch was echoed, it purifies the environment. Negative energies cannot tolerate the sound of conch. The sound of conch gives braveness, courage and happiness.

A good conch when whistled echoes Om sound. Hindus believe that conch means nature and truth behind the nature. By whistling conch thyroid and para thyroid can be cured. Conch should be whistled by raising once head and closing eyes. These sound waves generated from conch will protect from spreading cholera and plague diseases. Vedas like Adharvana and Yajur states that sound waves from conch kill demons and negative energies. Brahma vyvartha purana states that water which is filled in conch will relieve from all types of diseases by detoxifying body and soul. The water filled in conch contains sulphur and calcium in high concentrations. People who are Stutters (disorder in speech) will get tremendous results by drinking conch water. The ash of conch is used in variety of Ayurvedic medicines. Original conchs will be available in kailash manasarovar, srilanka, maldivies, Lakshadweep and koramandal. Conches are of several types which are distinguished based on their shapes Right handed conch (spiral twists rightwards), left handed conch (spiral twists leftwards), Mouth opened conch.

Ganesha Conch is used for to get nice education, victory, Luck, development of family and to overcome obstacles. This conch will eliminate Rahu graha dosha if worshipped daily. It resembles Lord Ganesh and one of the 8 symbols of lord Budha. People believe that it will give good results in export and import business if worshipped. It will give name and fame if it was kept in south direction in the living room of a house. It will give escalation in education when it is kept in north-east corner. It keeps good relations in family when it is kept in south-west direction.

Interesting Facts:
Conch has many health healing properties:
  • The water which was kept in the conch for a night will cure all type of skin diseases when used in bathing.
  • The water which was kept in the conch for a night in addition to rose water will give shining to hair and improves color of hair when used in head bath.
  • The water which was kept in the conch for a night (12hours) will clean intestines and eliminates stomach pains when it is taken with empty stomach in the morning.
  • The water which was kept in the conch for a night (12hours) will cure all types of eye diseases when eyes are washed with it.
  • When conch was rubbed on face after bath will eliminate dark patches, wrinkles and gives glow to face.
  • Kapila (Dark tanned) cow’s milk will be filled in conch and used in house purification rituals to eliminate any vastu doshas.
Conch Varieties: Dakshanavrati Shank: This is most admirable conch for Goddess Lakshmi. Whoever worships this conch will see gradual development in life. This is Right handed conch (spiral twists rightwards) in white color with brown lines in spiral. Lord Kubera is governing south direction and he is the god for wealth so this conch will bring lot of money to the place where it was kept. This conch will be available in many sizes from small grain size to coconut size. These are very rare and available in the bottom depth of sea. These will clean the environment and removes negative energies in the place where it is kept. In a good right handed conch, we can see 3 or more horizontal lines from the top of conch.
Vamavrati Shank: This is left handed conch (spiral twists Leftwards). It is easily available and used in spiritual practices. Original conch will give positive energy when it is whistled. According to Jyotish Sastra, whenever a person is suffering from planets due to the disposition in astro has to worship this conch. This conch will eliminate evil effects of planets and gives health, wealth, victory and peace. It will clean the atmosphere by eliminating negative energies.
Gomukhi Shank: This conch resembles the face of a cow that is why it is named as Go - Cow, Mukhi - Face. Cow is considered as the scared animal from ancient Hinduism. This will give good results when it is worshipped. Worshipping gomukhi conch is equal to worshipping a cow.
Kari Shank: This conch is very rare. Hindus believe that this is very strong and hard than an elephant. According to ancient texts, kari-elephant is admirable by goddess lakshmi and the color of shank compared to tail of God Nandi. This shank was tied to god nandi in many Shiva temples. This will give protection to children.
Mothi Shank: Mothi means pearl. Pearl conch is available in the place where pearls avail. This holy conch is very pure and eliminates all evil effects caused by moon in astro and gives inner peace. This conch is available in a very clean place without any doshas. According to ayurveda, this conch has many medicinal uses.
Pahari Shank: Pahari means mountain. This conch is available on mountains and it is very rare. The inner view of this conch shines like crystal quartz. It is same as right handed conch. This is used for goddess lakshmi. Tantriks used this conch in their practice. This conch has huge demand in market.

Sthri Shank or Shankini: This is neither to worship nor to whistle. The upper area of this conch is very rough and covered with thorns. It will not echo good sounds when whistled and it is surrounded by retrograde circles. This conch will eliminate disturbed frequencies which attracts negative energy. This conch was used by Aghoras in their practice.

 Scientific Reasons:
  • Usually, we can hear the sound of peaceful sea when it is kept near to the ear. This is not only a sound, it is echo of universe. This sound will eliminate negative energies in our body and reduces pollution on earth.
  • Planets which are negative in astro can be cancelled by keeping conch in their house. Astrologers usually advice the position where to keep conch based on planetary position in the chart.
  • Whenever conch was echoed, it will release sound waves which are in red color and turns to yellow circles and release rose cells when they mixed with environment.
  • Sterilized vibration quality in conch when whistled will destroy virus and bacteria in the environment. Indian scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose proved the power of conch scientifically.
  • Person who blows conch regularly will not get affect by any lungs or respiratory diseases. Tuberculosis, Asthma, Influenza, Liver, Spleen diseases will be eradicated echoing conch.
  • Conch showed significant results in reducing deaf and dumb in the people.
  • Cochlea (inner part of ear) resemble like a conch. This part in the ear will transmit sound waves to brain. Sound waves reaches ear and they vibrate tympanum or eardrum in ear. The waves from the eardrum will be transmitted to cochiea by micro level bones and muscles. In this process pressure waves are produced and travelled through a tube which is in the shape of conch. Whenever conch waves reached eardrum it makes cochlea work actively. This makes improvement in reducing deaf and dumb in the people.
  • The inner view of conch is positioned in spiral or snake spiral way and releases spiral energy when it is whistled. Living organisms’D.N.A arranged in Spiral double hexa molecular structure. Conch waves’ strengthens this structure in humans.
  • Conch is not only related to traditions of Hinduism but when it is viewed in scientific way it is nectar to human life and also conch gives many medicinal values.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Le click barbare

Depuis mon billet de samedides thèses circulent sur les faux comptes de soutien au bijoutier meurtrier sur Facebook.

Mon billet se base sur des statistiques du site Socialbackers. 

Elles ont évolué depuis. Tout ce que je peux corriger du billet initial en me basant sur le même site: ce ne sont plus "seulement" 246.000 Prix Nobel en justice expéditive qui ont "liké" depuis la France, mais 833.000 (au moment où je publie), et 720.000 à l'étranger (56/43).

Tout et son contraire ont été entendus en 48h de la bouche de consultants. Facebook France reste totalement muet, les administrateurs de la page sont planqués.

Comme l'ont écrit Christophe Ginisty et d'autres, cette polémique sur le chiffre total perd de l'intérêt au regard d'un soutien qui est massif, et de ce qui choque en premier :

Un homme en a tué un autre et des gens ont dit "j'aime ça" 

(y ajoutant une charmante littératuresélectionnée sur ce Tumblr. > Sac à vomi recommandé).

A la machine à café, au détour d'une conversation avec ce mec qui avait l'air pourtant pas trop neuneu, en se baladant au Megastore un jour du déstockage ou au volant de la bagnole, personne n’a attendu Facebook pour en prendre conscience : le barbare qui sommeille en nous ne demande qu'à se réveiller.

Rappelons la noble cause du groupe : Soutenir à chaud l'auteur d'un homicide difficilement qualifiable d'involontaire (au regard des éléments lus et vus à ce jour par tous). Mais à vrai dire, peu importe : Dans un Etat de droit, on ne fait pas justice soi-même.

Si j'ai pu contribuer à ma modeste échelle à sensibiliser les lecteurs sur le sujet des achats de "like" et des méthodes artificielles d'amorçage de buzz (et plein d'autres jolies techniques de gonflette 2.0) qui sont monnaie courante, c'est déjà ça.

Sur une note plus personnelle. Je fais plein de gros câlins et je poke un paquet de kleenex à ces petites choses sensibles appelant à exterminer leur prochain dans les rues au shotgun façon Peckinpah, mais qui se vexent dès qu'on les traite de "connards". 

Putrajaya International Fireworks Competition 2013- Page 2 of 2

We thought we have seen everything before China team stunned us on 14 Sept. Unlike the night before, we could feel the heat of the competition along the highway. Cars were moving, crowd was forming. Then, mistakenly, we took the way to Putrajaya Water Sports Complex, instead of our original destination at Persiaran Tasik. It turned to be a blessing. The water sports complex was much closer to the stage, where we could hear the music playing for the performance.

China team showed their muscles as the old master of fireworks. They cleverly arranged the explosion to be done at different height, keeping the smokes away from  blocking the view of fireworks. The fireworks formed different patterns, with great timing and precision. One thing which was bad- raining. Too bad we had brought only one umbrella. Not much photos had been taken.

 China team performed under terrible weather condition. We could see from the movement of the smokes that the wind was strong.

 Different combinations of the fireworks.

We found that the water sports complex is a good spot. We went back to the same location to see the performance of US team yesterday.

US team didn't give up easily. They dished out a few Disney themed songs, with the fireworks "danced" with the music. Without the interference of the rain, the music was loud and clear. That was really a feast of visual and audio. For those who had missed the show, one more chance in 2013- 2nd October 2013 (Wednesday). Besides Putrajaya Water Sports Complex, there are a few other strategic location to watch the show.

 Fireworks with Disney themed songs.


 Different colours with high contrast to the dark sky.

 Different patterns displayed.

And the all-out finale!

 Our photo a few minutes before the show started. Photo taken by Kelly :)

 Be early as the fireworks fans are growing.

Sitting ouside is better than sitting on the stage. However, we need to bring along our umbrella, just in case of raining.

The competition is gaining its reputation. More and more people are coming to watch the show. We were caught in traffic congestion for more than 40 minutes during China team's show. The congestion turned worse during US team's show. We took more than one hour to get home. So, we might need to mentally prepare for the heavy traffic jam after the show.

Back to Page 1.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Bathing - An Ancient Method of Body Cleaning

Bathing is a process of cleaning body with water. Bathing does not give only physical cleanliness but  also gives mental relaxation.According to Ancient Indians, we should bathe early in the morning and in the evening. Bathing is not a process of pouring water on body or dipping in a swimming pool, but it is a touch of our ancient tradition.
What is Ancient tradition of taking bath?
According to Ancient tradition there are some peculiar measures for taking bath.
Cool water will regulate Raktha (Blood Pressure) and Pitta (related to bile secretion) disturbances in body. Mild hot water(warm water) under room temperature will strengthen body and eliminates Vata( Air related) and Kapha(related to body fluids) disturbances.

Head bath with hot water will destroy the eye sight, creates disturbance in vata, kapha and lead to diseases.

Bathing will increase hunger, eliminates impotency and increases life, immunity power and gives special glow to the body and also strengthens the body by eliminating allergies, tidiness and thirst caused by sweat.

By bathing with cold water, heat will travel inside and rises the hungry.

Bathing with mild hot or warm water,drinking milk, love with younger women, taking lesser meal will give protection to health.
Bathing with Amla extracts will give glow to body and relives skin allergies. Now a days many companies introducing the soaps, shampoos prepared from the extracts of Amla. Ancient Indians strictly follow bathing with amla extracts in the month of Karthika.

The person who uses amla extracts for bathing will not suffer from bald head, white hair and live up to 100 years.

People who are suffering from diseases, loose motions,eye diseases, stomach diseases,indigestion, after a meal should not take bathe.
After bathe, people should use white cloth to clean the body. The cloth made from spinning wheel(Khadi) will give protection from hot and cold weather.This textile can be worn in any season. Silk, wool and red color dresses will lowers vat and kapha doshas and prescribely worn in cool climate.
The saffron color cloths will cool the body by eliminating Pitha dosha annd should be worn in summer.
According to Ancient Indians, head bath will create kapha dosha and leads to cold, cough and headache. In order to these, after head bath people should consume soup with pepper, Curry leaf + Red chili powder, soup with fenugreek seeds.

Scientific Reasons:
Bathing with warm water will clear toxins, cleans the skin by opening pores on skin,relaxes the tissues by relieving the stress, lowers the blood pressure, reduces the body pains, gives nice and relaxed sleep. Epsum salts bath, Ice bath had newly came into existence. These are mainly preferred by sportsmen.

Read More at :

Bathing - An Ancient Method of Body Cleaning - II

Saturday, 14 September 2013

L'arnaque aux faux soutiens du bijoutier

On vous l'a dit, on vous l'a répété au moment de l'affaire des #Geonpi : il faut se méfier des groupes de pression et des manipulations informatiques.

Dernière intox en date, le "succès" de l'effrayante page de soutien Facebook au bijoutier de Nice qui a tué un voleur.

200.000 likes hier, 400.000 likes ce matin.1.200.000 ce soir à 19h30.

Énorme non ?  Il apparait sur le site socialbakers que :  80% de ces likes (945.000) viennent de... l'étranger.

cliquez pour agrandir
(Capture le 14.09.2013. 19.18)

Les "likes" ont probablement été achetés dans une usine à "clicks" en Inde ou ailleurs : pas très patriote tout ça. 

(suggestion de présentation)

Ceci dit, cette affaire permet de faire le tri dans ses contacts Facebook emportés dans ce délire fétidela différence nous laissant sur les bras avec une bonne marge de 246.000 connards locaux (dont peut-être certains dans vos contacts). Ce qui reste énorme

Pour le reste, je vous invite à rejoindre le groupe de soutien à Emile Louis, le serial-killer de l'Yonne. C'est vrai quoi, il y en a toujours rien que pour la Côte d'Azur !

Merci @BarDkn pour sa vigilance.

[update 16.09.2013 08.30 : Les statistiques du site socialbakers ont évolué dans la journée de dimanche à 56/43. 1 / Facebook devrait se prononcer sur cette histoire pour lever toute ambiguïté. 2 / On ne peut pas rester sans connaître le ou les administrateurs.]

[update 16.09.2013 19.00 et nouvel article]

Putrajaya International Fireworks Competition 2013- Page 1 of 2

It is a lengthy competition, from August to September 2013, at Putrajaya Maritime Centre. So, if you wish to grab the opportunity to see the fireworks, there are three more chances to go- 14, 15 September, and the last performance will be on 2 October 2013. The performance will start at around 10 pm, but we have to be early to get to the strategic location- Seri Saujana Bridge, Persiaran Tasik, Seri Gemilang Bridge, or along Tunku Abdul Rahman Road that facing Pullman Putrajaya. 

Putrajaya Convention Centre (PICC) is offering cocktail dinner during the competition days with RM150++ per person. Bringing sandwiches and Coke is another much cheaper and better option. By the way, watching the fireworks competition is free of charge. What you need to do is to find a transport to Putrajaya. We would like to share some photos taken last night at Persiaran Tasik.

Quiet night. 9:50 pm, everyone was holding the breath and waiting for the first spark of the fireworks. The location was strategy, with the maritime centre located at the middle of this VIP seat.

 First spark ignited.


 5 minutes into the performance. Smoke could be clearly seen.

Ending of first part of the performance by French team. 

After a short rest, second part of the performance started with exploding light across the sky. The smoke from the previous bursts started to block the view.

French team leader shouted, "Send more onto the sky!!"

Then the anti-climax kicked in at the finale. When the team sent everything they had for one last final blow, the smoke took away everything but the thundering explosion. Well, zero mark for the finale.

Row of photographers with all sort of gadgets.

None stop firing the shutters while French team firing their sulfur-filled fireworks.

Nope, it didn't look like 10 pm at night. The lakeside was crowded with people with sitting mats and picnic baskets.

Three more days of performance to go, and tonight, China team will take over the stage. If you still remember what Beijing had done to the opening of Olympic 2008, then you might wish to take out a map to look for the route to Putrajaya now.

We watched the shows presented by China team and US team as well, and discovered a better place to watch the fireworks. Follow us now.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Quand Marine Le Pen attaque un blogueur

J'apprends que Marine Le Pen, stigmatisant régulièrement le "politiquement correct", a déposé une plainte pour injure publique contre un ami blogueur (détails ici) pour le passage suivant (extrait d'un article d'avril 2013). Je cite :

"Hollande peut et doit rebondir. Sinon c’est la [...] lepeniste qui va en profiter: l’électeur va facilement céder au “tous pourris”, et autres discours simplistes de la droite moisie et du FN qui veut -sachez le- empêcher les juges de dénoncer les manquements dans la lutte contre la corruption et la fraude. Double langage donc de ces menteurs d’extrême droite ! Il importe de faire la pédagogie sur ce point, tout ça par les politiques non corrompus !"

L'analyse politique étant tout à fait pertinente, il semblerait que ce le mot "truie" pose problème. 

Certes, le mot est totalement déplacé et surtout inutile à la démonstration.


Au pays, parait-il, du "saucisson pinard", où certains à droite et à peu près tous à l'extrême-droite se montrent tant attachés à la suprématie du cochon dans les cantines de nos enfants, il est étrange de considérer l'association avec cet animal, à la limite de l'emblème pour ses militants, comme une injure pour la chef du Front National.

On peut également considérer qu'il est tout aussi dégradant pour un Président d'être comparé à un dessert gélatineux à la sauce caramel sur les sites de droite et d'extrême-droite, voire dans les commentaires des sites de presse ayant légèrement plus de visibilité et de moyens que les blogueurs

On se dit également que l'avocat de Marine Le Pen aura du boulot avec les 47.000 occurrences "Marine Le Pen" + "truie" trouvées en une recherche Google (contre 953.000 pour "Marine Le Pen" + "raciste ou pas ?" ce qui en dit long sur la compote mentale ambiante).

Mais, me direz-vous, ce ne sont là que des points de détail. 

Ce petit épisode nous rappelle surtout quelle est la nature de la plaignante courant de plateau en plateau pour crier à la censure, rhabillée par certains médias complaisants en pasionaria des prolétaires alors qu'elle a grandi dans un domaine à St-Cloud à côté duquel Neuilly est un bidonville.

Comme je ne la sous-estime pas, bien au contraire, j'imagine qu'elle tente par cette action de se placer une fois de plus en martyre.

Ne t'en fais pas Politeeks, et permets-moi de conclure :

"Je ne vois pas comment un tribunal pourrait me condamner pour avoir tenu ces propos, même si en France on peut quand même s'inquiéter de la dérive consistant à tenter d'empêcher les prises de position lorsqu'elle ne répondent pas au politiquement correct.
Marine Le Pen, France Info 08/07/2013 >>> La vidéo ici

Illustration : Delicatessen de JP Jeunet (1992)

Thursday, 12 September 2013

#34plans "Le progrès n'est pas un astre mort"

Mini exposition universelle 2.0, opération de com', démonstration de l’excellence française dans l'innovation technologique, mise en avant des axes prioritaires pour la reconquête des 750.000 emplois perdus dans l'industrie en dix ans de droite  : La nouvelle France industrielle, c'est un peu tout ça.

Arnaud Montebourg présentait "34 plans" (de bataille) à L’Elysée ce matin : 34 plans réunissant des projets novateurs 100% français dans des filières diverses regroupant des grands groupes, des ETI et des PME (on trouve aussi bien EADS qu'une boîte à 4 salariés).

Parmi les projets exposés  
- La "voiture pour tous" consommant moins de 2 litres au 100 km, 
- L’avion hybride électrique (Airbus pour 2030 et première étape dès cette année avec le lancement d'un avion-école biplace construit en Charentes : L'´E-Fan). 
- Les textiles techniques, intelligents ou connectés (aussi bien pour pour la veille santé des personnages âgées que la protection des ouvriers) en se basant sur la diversification des PME historiques.
 - Les batteries très longues durée (qui serviront pour les avions et voiture évoquées plus haut), 
- La réappropriation de la transformation du bois (la moitié de ce qui récolté en France, est transformé à l’étranger) dans les matériaux de construction, l'isolation et les biens de consommation....

On trouve tous les thèmes chez Politeeks et le dossier complet chez Melclalex.

Les projets sont retenus autour de trois critères : 
- Besoins ou services clairement identifiés.
- Technologies que l'on maîtrise chez nous.
- L’intégration de ces technologies dans un environnement industriel (en gros : formations, cursus universitaires, bassins d’emplois et proximité des sous-traitants)

Le clip (avec du Pompidou dedans pour donner un peu de bonheur à Valeurs Actuelles)

Chaque plan sera animé par un chef de projet pour favoriser les synergies, faciliter les financement (par la Banque public d’investissement, commissariat général à l'investissement, les opérateurs de l’Etat) selon un calendrier de dix ans évalué tous les 6 mois. Objectif : 480.000 emplois d'ici 2020 et la création de 45.5 milliards d'euros de valeur ajoutée dont 40% à l'export.

Il ne s'agit pas pour l'Etat de diriger mais d'orienter ("un état stratège et régulateur" dixit François Hollande qui conclue l'exposition et rajoute "Notre stratégie doit être offensive, pas nostalgique"). 

(Toi aussi légende cette photo dans les commentaires)

Certains projets présentés par des ingénieurs ou des chefs d'entreprise sont réalisés ou en cours de réalisation, d'autres sont à l'état de prototypes. Sur les 34 plans beaucoup échoueront, mais cette initiative a le mérite de rappeler que, malgré les déclinologues, on entreprend et on innove encore chez nous. 

Il est d'ailleurs surprenant (ou pas) que certains pourtant prompts à sur-défendre les patrons et les #geonpi ont, à peine la présentation commencée, voire avant, moqué sur Twitter les exposés des industriels, des ingénieurs et des créateurs désireux de coopérer pour développer leurs innovations sur le sol français. 

Bon allez, assez positivé, maintenant allons lire des billets déprimants.

Ci-dessous : un blogueur français audacieux et innovant au niveau du look.

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