Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Prince et le suicide artistique 2.0

En cinq ans et un millier de billets politiques, les deux gros cartons d’audience de ce site (et de très loin) restent mon articulet sur Instagram et mon compte-rendu du concert surprise de Prince au New-Morning en 2010.

C'est donc par pur souci d'audimat que je vous propose ce billet sur Prince et son utilisation des réseaux sociaux. Enfin presque. Il sera ici question de la désastreuse année 2013 dans la communication du chanteur

Et là, jeune, tu me dis : "mais c'est qui ça Prince, hein ?" en me toisant du dédain de celui dont la trentaine est encore loin.

OK. Flash-back (petit con) : multi instrumentiste, danseur, faiseur de tube, mélangeur de tendances, précurseur, propulsé par la Warner au début des années 80, dans le sillage du succès planétaire du Thriller de Michael Jackson, Prince est le seul artiste à avoir réellement rivalisé avec lui, l’éclipsant même à la fin de la décennie. Entre 1984 et 1991, il réunira le public et la critique autour de trois albums majeurs Purple Rain, Parade et Sign of the Times.

Au sommet de sa gloire, début des années 90, alors que rap et grunge le ringardisent, il commet une première (grosse) erreur de communication : il change de nom au profit d'un symbole imprononçable. Ce caprice lasse. Résultat : disparition des radars et des radios.

Durant 15 ans, en guéguerre avec sa maison de disque, Prince enchaîne des sorties d’album dont il ne fait quasiment plus la promotion. 

Au milieu des années 90, c'est un des précurseurs de la musique dématérialisée. Il est même à ma connaissance le premier à avoir composé une chanson dont internet est le sujet, en 1996, Emale. Avec le développement du téléchargement, il est la première "star" à collaborer avec Napster (encore illégal) en proposant un titre inédit. En 2000, il ouvre sa propre plate-forme musicale sur abonnement où il lancera les premiers podcasts, distribuera ses nouveaux albums et permettra l’accès aux abonnées à des répétitions de ses concerts : le paradis du fan.

Puis, il ferme tout deux ans plus tard et disparaît de la toile, totalement, en déclarant qu'internet est fini. Il ira jusqu’à employer des cyber sherrifs pour traquer les blogs de fans et interdire à You tube de diffuser le moindre clip de ses hits (se coupant ainsi encore un peu plus des nouvelles générations).

Dans le monde réel, il surprend encore. Avec sa résidence à l’O2 de Londres en 2007, il accomplit ce record que Jackson n’aura pas l’occasion de dépasser : 21 concerts d’affilé (40 si on compte les aftershows) dans une salle de 15.000 places. En pleine crise du disque, il bat même des records de ventes de CD en 2004, en s'auto-distribuant. Malin, il incluait l'album physique dans le prix de vente des billets de sa tournée Musicology pour le distribuer à l'entrée des shows.

Depuis, rien. Prince suit une bonne grosse stratégie de l’échec, massacrant, sciemment ou pas, sa réputation et une production discographique abondante, mais globalement peu inspirée :  distribution alambiquée de ses albums, jeu de piste pour suivre ses tournées montées à l’arrache, inflation des prix des billets et, surtout, une communication cryptique devenant opaque même pour ceux qui le suivent encore.

Et dans le domaine, l’année 2013 a explosé tous les records !

2013, c’est l’année du retour de Prince sur internet sans tambour ni trompette, mais avec une bonne dose de melon. Mais attention, un retour franc et carré serait trop simple. Non, il lui fallait prendre un énième pseudo, à base de devinettes et de codes. Au début de l’année, Un obscur compte Twitter est ouvert : @3rdeyegirl (le nom de sa nouvelle formation 100% féminine). Il faudra douze exégètes du Minneapolis Sound pour en certifier l’origine, et la publication d’un lien vers un site officiel pour qu’il n’y ait plus de doute sur l’origine du marketing potache de l’ancien Mozart du funk.

Manque de bol, la blague nulle censée faire le buzz (et accouchant d'un site "officiel" au look amateur proposant une poignée de morceaux au son discutable) est lancée au moment de la publication surprise du clip de David Bowie annonçant la sortie de son premier album en 10 ans, the next day. Le come back foireux de Prince est éclipsé d'entrée.

Prince persévère. Après avoir supprimé son site au nom imprononçable pour le remplacer par une page hmtl (à une autre adresse), il tourne lui-même un clip au camescope pour le vendre 1.77 $ sur le même site (faire payer son matériel promo, c'est pas ingénieux ça pour conquérir de nouveaux fans ? Bah non. 

(Graphisme à chier, ergonomie nulle, le premier site de superstar dont la conception vaut moins chez que les pauvres mp3 qu'il propose)

Nouvelle étape en mars, un nouveau faux vrai compte fait miroiter l’ouverture de ses enregistrements cachés si « les fans se mobilisent ». Résultat : re-rien. Le compte @3rdeyegirl a tellement peu de succès que Prince finit par avouer que c’est lui qui est aux commandes. 

Après une mini tournée américaine devant des audiences clairsemées et trois concerts au tarif prohibitif au festival de Montreux en juillet, le n’importe quoi promotionnel continue en rythme de croisière : un énième nouveau titre mou du genou est proposé en téléchargement sur le site amateur, puis retiré, puis remis, puis retiré, puis remis sous un autre titre dans une qualité audio approximative.

Durant l'été, alors que Prince fait censurer les séquences filmées à l'Iphone de ses shows, le marketing viral autour du morceau Get Lucky de Daft Punk (précisément basé sur le revival '70 '80 sur lequel Prince tente en vain de rebondir) propulsera Random Access Memories au sommet des ventes. L'internaute s'est approprié le morceau, l'a remixé, l'a propagé. A ce propos, de Daft Punk à Nile Rodgers en passant par Pharell Williams, chacun désirait travailler avec Prince et tout fan rêve d’entendre ce type de duo. Mais cela n’arrivera jamais. Comme le relate dans une conférence à mourir de rire le réalisateur Kevin Smith (voir ci-dessous), qui a eu l’occasion de « collaborer » avec lui une semaine sur un des milliers de projets de film de Prince qui ne verront jamais le jour, Prince vit dans le monde de Prince depuis trop longtemps et plus personne n’ose l’en sortir. 

(Il en a avait gros sur la patate le Kevin. La question fait 20 secondes, la réponse 30 minutes.)

Création ou promotion, le chanteur est désormais enfermé dans son bunker de certitudes (littéralement : un gigantesque complexe dans les steppes du Minnesota).

Depuis, quand ça lui prend, il fait des webcast pour 500 spectateurs à trois heures du mat’ où il filme son écran d’ordinateur portable diffusant des répétions (parfois de qualité) ou des extraits de concert (dont ses fans disposent des enregistrements piratés en HD depuis longtemps). Pendant ce temps, les Rolling stones ou Depeche Mode diffusent en stream et en direct leurs concerts.

(Je prends un risque à diffuser du matériel promotionnel, mais soyons punk que diable !)

A la fin de l'année 2013, Prince se frotte enfin au buzz, au bad buzz. Il renoue avec les paroles trash (aseptisées depuis une dizaine d'années par son entrée chez les témoins de Jéhovah). Problème, son nouveau morceau en téléchargement gratuit louche plus du côté de Boutin que du côté d'Hendrix, et ça flirte avec la lesbophobie

Dernier épisode en date : Prince attaque en justice 22 de ses fans facebook qui postaient des liens vers des vidéos de ses concerts en leur réclamant un million chacun (selon TMZ il se serait ravisé depuis, à l'approche d'une nouvelle tournée européenne). L'occasion de réécouter un titre de circonstance : Money don't matter tonight ? Ah bon non, désolé, je ne peux pas passer la vidéo officielle, elle est juste introuvable dans une version potable sur internet.

Inaudible en disque. Inaccessible en concert. Invisible en ligne. Fermé à double tour aux autres : pour l'instant, le nouveau Prince, c’est l’ancien en pire[1]. La vérification qu'à force d'avoir dix ans d’avance sur tout le monde, on peut finir par avoir vingt ans de retard sur son époque.

Restons positif, restons-en aux souvenirs. Play-list maison :

[1] A sauver néanmoins de cette année, une collaboration avec Janelle Monae sur le dernier album de celle-ci. Peut-être ce qu'il a fait de mieux en dix ans.

Articles connexes :
Purple smoke on the water
Prince au New Morning
Un noël avec Larry Graham

Nouveau livre de Seb Musset, L'abondance. 
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Disponible ici en papier ou ebook.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Dead bodies cremation

Why to burn bodies after death?
Life is a stitch between soul and body. A continuous stitch happens one after other when this process halts the life ends, it’s called as death. The breath is the key point which holds soul and body together. Ancient customs states that need to burn the body after death.

Cultural beliefs: 

According to ancients our body is composed of 'Panchabhootas' (earth, water, air, fire, space) known as elements of nature. To maintain equilibrium dead body need be distributed equally to elements of nature because our body is made of elements of nature. So that act of burning the dead body came into existence. When the body is burnt it will be mixed with Earth, air, fire and space and ash remains. Ash is collected and immersed in holy waters. There 5 life forces in our body namely 'prana, apana, samana, udana and vyana'. These life forces will not leave the dead body collectively. So people need to follow the rites and rituals which are prescribed in 'Garuda Purana'.

In Hinduism, dead body will be placed on floor pointing head towards north. Holy water from river Ganges with holy basil will be poured in the mouth of dead body. An oil lamp is lit and placed near the head. The five senses (mouth, nose, ears, eyes, hands) called as 'Panchendriyas' were closed manually. Mouth is filled with rice grains, eyes will be closed, nose and ears will be closed using cotton, and hands are closed with coins. Bathing will be done to dead body and holy ash was applied throughout the body in some communities.

The dead bodies will carry to cemetery traditionally which is nearer to a river. The dead body which is pointed head towards north and feet towards south will be kept on bed made of wood. This custom allows the soul to walk in south direction to reach Lord Yuma(God of death). The dead body will be burnt using woods and cow ghee. The family of dead person takes immediate bath and family male head will return to cemetery on the next day to collect the ash. The collected ash will be carried to immerse in holy waters. After immersion it is believed that the soul will reach its adobe of god. 

Scientific Reasons:
After the death, complete life force will not leave the body the vital breath will alone separated from the body. This can be observed as body heat remains for certain time in the dead body and the nails, hair will grow up to 11 days after death. It symbolically states that there is some attachment to soul and dead body.
Keeping oil lamp near the head , applying sacred ash, pouring river Ganges water in mouth, closing five senses are the measures to stop infections from the body. Also there is no room for infections to spread from dead body when burnt.
The dead body was burnt using ghee. The ghee will increase the temperature of flames and aids complete destruction of dead body in fire and controls environmental pollution. Space consumption is achieved when body was burnt.
Germs multiply quickly in the dead body so there is a custom came to burn the body as quickly as possible within 24 hours. Now a day’s people preserve the dead body for 2 to 3 days in ice cages for their convenience.

Rances Hommes Access Moyen Age

Que retiendra l'histoire culturelle de France au sujet du dimanche 26 janvier 2014 ? 

1 / Les quelques milliers d'idiots du village, crétins, identitaires, quenelleux, racistes et homophobes (désolé pour les pléonasmes) tenant congrès hier sous la pluie dans les rues de Paris, et dont vous trouverez une sélection des pires clichés ici et ? (Assistance parentale conseillée).

(L'avenir de l'humanité française, garantie antisystème, antisioniste et anti-teeshirt).

2 / Le triomphe aux Grammy awards des Daft Punk (5 récompenses), un groupe 100% français qui a su revitaliser le son de ses légendes musicales US, et faire danser la planète entière, Paul Mac Cartney, Yoko Ono, Steven Tyler et moi, ce matin encore, dans mon ascenseur, sous le regard perplexe du facteur ?

On dira que le choix de ta réponse, 1 ou 2, sera un bon indicateur du millénaire dans lequel tu vis.

La prestation de cette nuit aux côtés de Pharell Williams, Neil Rodgers et Stevie Wonder (bref, juste l'orgasme musical) : 

Articles connexes : 
Les vraies raisons du vote FN
l'abrutea party
Ces crétins que l'on ne bâillonne pas assez

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

TriMurthi - Creator | Preserver | Destroyer

In Hinduism Lord Brahma,Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva are named as 'Trimurthi'. Lord Brahma deals with creation,Lord Vishnu deals with maintenance and Lord Shiva deals with destruction. They are three different shades or forms of supreme powers called 'Prabrahman'.'Vaishnavism' is a sect of people who worship Lord Vishnu as supreme god. 'Shivism' is a sect of people who worship Lord Shiva as supreme god.

Cultural beliefs:
Lord Brahma was born in golden egg hence he is named as 'hiranyagrabha' and the remaining material in that golden egg is expanded as universe. Brahma has four heads which represent 'vedas' and fifth head was cut down by Lord Shiva. The fifth head remains with Shiva hence it is called 'Kapali'. Brahma lives in a place called 'Satyalokha' which is 1,870,400,000 miles in distance from Sun.

Lord Vishnu is the one who enters everywhere. He lives in a place called 'Vaikuntha' which is 209,600,000 miles from 'Satyalokha'. He will be always seen in resting position on 'AdhiSeshu'(serpent king) with his wife, Goddess Lakshmi. Vishnu takes incarnations once evil things dominates humanity. 'Dasa-avatar' means 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu.

Lord Shiva is the one who is eternally pure. He lives in Mount Kailaash which is believed as center of the Universe. Shiva is always resembled in the form of Linga. He is a dancer, hence named as 'Nataraja'. He is the composer of dance, 'Shiva Tandav'. Lord Shiva is also popularly known as 'Parameshwer' i.e., supreme of all. 'Rudra' means the God of the roaring storm. He has third eye which is always closed. Opening the third eye will lead to complete destruction.

Interesting facts:

  • Lord Brahma has 11 children(10 sons,1 daughter). His sons are called 'Prajapathis'(rulers of human race).
  • Lord Brahma have no temples for worship as cursed by the Sage Vishwamithra. Except one or two like Pushkar in Ajmer.
  • Lord Vishnu rides on 'Garuda'(The Gaint Eagle) who is the king of all birds.
  • Lord Vishnu handles a powerful weapon called 'Sudarshan Chakra' ( revolving disc).
  • Lord Vishnu sleeps on a giant snake in milky ocean.
  • Lord Shiva carries a powerful weapon called 'Trishul'(Trident).
  • Lord Shiva wears snake as ornament around his neck.
  • Lord Shiva drank poison which came out by churning milky ocean, hence named 'Garalakanta'.
Scientific Reasons:
  • When we consider 'Brahma-Vishnu-Maheshwara' as Proton-Electron-Neutron, Lord Brahma is the creator of universe likewise proton is the main reason for creation. Lord Vishnu is protector of universe likewise electrons with wide range of reactions which protects the universe. Lord Shiva is destructor likewise neutron collides with nucleus and causes complete destruction and gives a new way to creation.
  • There exist a black hole in every galaxy. Black-hole consumes matter by expelling particles through its polar points. Once the energy released at poles equal to the gravity of black-hole it stops consuming matter. This balance is called Lord Vishnu. If the balance was disturbed destruction will happen until balance obtain. This destruction is called Lord Shiva. The energy which is expelled at the time of destruction supports a new creation. This creation is called Lord Brahma.
  • Supernova is defined as sudden explosion of a star by ejecting most of its inner material. The equilibrium between The Sun and the planets is the principle of Vishnu. When Sun went into a position of imbalance in handling its own nuclear fuel and becomes supernova, the entire destruction of solar system happens. This destruction is the principle of Shiva. When destruction happens energy expelled leads to new creation which is the principle of Lord Brahma.
  • Lord Shiva symbolically described as 'Linga'. According ancient texts, 'Linga' was defined as Ling - destruction, merging ,to dissolve and ga means emerge, creation, new life. At the time of cosmic dissolution, all things will dissolve into Shiva and emerges from Shiva once again. The unknown people say 'Shiva linga' is a phallic symbol but it is unknown symbol of creation after destruction.'Shiva tandava' is the dance which represents destruction. The running path of the Neutrons, Protons inside the atom is exactly in the shape of 'Chidhambaram's Sri Nataraja swamy' idol.

François Hollande et le Medef : plaisir d'offrir, joie de décevoir

Une fois n'est pas coutume, joignons-nous à l'élogieux concert éditorial envers notre président enfin responsable, et reprenons sur notre blog une infographie officielle de L'Elysée relative au très sérieux pacte de responsabilité. Si si. Des gens compétents y croient cette fois. Au même moment, des médias toujours à l'avant-garde découvrent, alors qu'il bascule clairement social-libéral[1], que François Hollande serait social-démocrate (ce qu'il a toujours été, et ce n'est pas insulte dans ma bouche).

Constatons d'abord sur le flyer de la MEDEF-Party que la syntaxe patronale est copieusement reprise : coût du travail, alléger les charges... 

Face à la suppression des cotisations familiales (le nouveau cadeau désormais annuel aux entreprises après le fiasco - pourtant annoncé - des 20 milliards du CICE financés par la hausse de la TVA), on parle d'objectifs chiffrés d'embauches, mais... sans aucun chiffre. Pourquoi donc ? C'est simple. Il est malheureusement à craindre que d'embauches, je veux dire de véritables embauches avec un salaire décent et une visibilité à plus de six mois, il n'y ait pas

A défaut d'objectifs chiffrés pour demain, allons donc chercher les résultats déjà atteints hier avec ce type de méthodes dite de la nouvelle win. On trouve ça sur le site Babordages. On y voit, en deux courbes superposées, le taux de chômage fluctuant entre 9 et 11% depuis 30 ans et le taux de contributions patronales et sociales (charges et coût du travail en langage de droite) fondant de 20% dans le même temps. 

Zutalor. Dés que le patronat bénéficie d'un allègement de cotisations, il ne se répercute ni sur les salaires (ça, vous avez dû le remarquer), ni sur les embauches. C'est une constante depuis des décennies (dans le même temps, la part des revenus allant au capital n'a de cesse d'augmenter). Dès lors, l'observatoire des contreparties pourra observer d'ici quelques années que ce cadeau de 30 milliards n'a pas fonctionné comme nous l'espérions (je rappelle pour mémoire qu'il y a entre 50 et 100 milliards, on ne sait plus trop ma brave dame, d'évasion fiscale par an)

En décodé, travailleurs et chômeurs se seront encore bien faits baiser. 

Quelle sera alors la prochaine cartouche pour relancer notre compétitivité ? Je vous la donne en exclusivité : nantis de smicards, vous coûtez trop cher ! Bande de boulets empêchant les entreprises de bien tourner, il faut réduire vos salaires ! C'est vrai quoi, le SMIC est juste quelques euros au-dessus du seuil de pauvreté. Au nom de la simplification des normes, pourquoi ne pas uniformiser tout ça ! Enfin, on fera ça dans les formes, avec de la ouate et du feuilleton, entre deux Unes de Closer et des débats économiques télévisés à intervenants redondants nous conjurant à enfin choisir entre une politique de droite et une politique de droite. Car tu comprends mon con, il n'y a pas d'autre alternative que de faire et refaire les mêmes erreurs.

Je me jette à l'eau en prévision de l'appel d'offre marketing à venir. On appellera ça le contrat gagnant-gagnant-gagnant ou la garantie capital-pipe ou encore le pacte de précarité salariale

Ne me remerciez pas monsieur Gattaz, c'est cadeau. 

[1] Je vous renvoie à cet article à l'issue d'une autre conférence de presse du Président en novembre 2012 que je pourrais signer à l'identique aujourd'hui.

Seb Musset, L'abondance. 
+ d'infos
Disponible ici en papier ou ebook.

Articles connexes : 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

108 - The Divine Number

Every Hindu praise the god with 108 names called as 'Sathanamavali'. Every rosary beads which are made using Rudraksh, Holy basil,Sandalwood, Crystal quartz(Spatik) will have 108 beads. Even so many Buddhist temples have 108 steps before entering to temple. People always explains about 108 in many ways but there is no authentic way to explain the power of 108.

Cultural beliefs:

Lord Krishna played with 108 gopikas. Lord Vishnu is associated with 108 holy places called as 'Divyadesams'. Goddess Dakshayani body was split into 108 pieces by lord vishnu with sudarshana chakra to bring psychological stability in Lord Shiva on his wife death.In Shri Chakra or Sri Yantra there are 54 intersections of lines and each line have power of Shiva and Shakti then it represents 108 when combined.There 108 gods and goddess situated in Sri Yantra.According to Astrology, There are 12 Rashi's and 9 planets when multiplied represents 108. 'Shiva Tandava' - Cosmic dance of Lord Shiva has 108 poses.

The milky ocean was churned by 54 gods and 54 demons, when combined it is 108.According ancient books of yoga there are 72000 of nadis(energy channels) in the body among them 108 energy channels meet at Heart Chakra.

Interesting facts:

  • The number of verses counted in Rig-Veda approximately equals to 10800.
  • The number of Puranas are 18.
  • In Bhagavatgita there are 18 chapters.
  • The number of upanishads are 108.
  • There are 9 planets. When Sun placed in middle remaining are 8 planets revolve around the Sun.It can stipulated as 18 or 108.
  • In Sanskrit there are 54 letters, each letter have 2 genders then 54 *2 = 108.
  • There 27 stars each with 4 quarters called as 'padams' in total 27*4 = 108.
  • According to Ayurveda there 108 'Marmas' which can heal or kill the human life.
  • In mathematics, Power of 1,2,3 is 1*4*27 = 108. when a circle was divided into 5 parts each pentagon angle equals to 108.

Scientific Reasons:
  • The distance calculated from Sun to earth is approximately rounded to 108 times of Sun's diameter. The distance from Earth and moon is approximately rounded to 108 times of moon diameter. The diameter of Sun is 108 times of earth diameter.
  • Sun has 216000 phases around a year. 6 months on northern hemisphere and 6 months on southern hemisphere when 216000 divided by 2 gives 108000.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Pushkara - Festival of Sacred Rivers

Pushkara or Pushkaram:
Pushkara means the one who nourishes or purifies. Lord Vishnu is called Pushkaraakshah means the one who nourishes. In traditional astrology, there is a word called Pushkara Navamsa, the place where planets get nourished. A lake with the name Pushkara exist in the state of Rajasthan,India where we can find sacred temple of Lord Brahma. According to ancients, Pushkaram means span of 12 years.

Cultural beliefs:
According to brahmanda purana, what ever sins committed in this life and past life will be vanished and attain virtues by doing bath in river at the time of Pushkara. Pushkara snan will give equal benefits which are equivalent to doing of Ashvamedha Yag. Meditation at Narmadha river,Charity at Kurukshetra place, death in Kasi town are consider as the most auspicious but doing bath at the time of Pushkar will give all the three benefits. Ancient texts such as Rig veda 1.23 also explained the powers of water.

A popular story behind Pushkaram was Sages at ancient times requested Lord Varun(the king of all water bodies) to stay in 12 rivers every year.As per their request, he promised to stay in 12 rivers as per the planet Jupiter movements around sun. When ever planet Jupiter enters in to a zodiac sign, each river gets Pushkar.

As per the scripts, Lord Pushkara is the son of Lord Varuna. Pushkar prayed Lord Brahma and acquired a boon to live in sacred waters to purify them.He also prayed Lord Shiva and attain 'Jala Tattva Siddhi'( Physics of waters) and became king of all sacred waters and named as 'Theerdhapalaka' (Ruler of Sacred waters). Later to this Lord Jupiter prayed Lord Brahma to keep Pushkara along with him but, Pushkar refused it and Lord Brahma resolved conflict by requesting pushkar to stay with Jupiter for 24 days(12 days at beginning + 12 days at ending)  when Lord Jupiter enters each Zodiac Sign. Based on the planet Jupiter movement in Zodiac sign Lord Pushkar enters 12 sacred rivers in India.

Depending on Jupiter movement in Zodiac signs, sacred rivers get energies and nourishes the place.

Jupiter in Aries river Ganga gets Pushkara.
In Taurus      - Narmada River.
In Gemini      - Saraswathi River.
In Cancer      - Yamuna River.
In Leo            - Godavri River.
In Virgo          - Krishna River.
In Libra          - Kaveri River.
In Scorpio      - Bheema River.
In Sagittarius - Pushkara-Vaahini River.
In Capricorn  - Thunga -Bhadra River.
In Aquarius   - Sindhu (Indus) River.
In Pisces      - Pranahitha(Praneetha) River.

Interesting facts:

  • Before doing bath at the time of Pushkara we need to make small mud balls and leave them in the river as a request or permission to take bath in that place.
  • After bathing, Tharpan(act of giving water) has to be given to River,Lord Varuna, Planet Jupiter, Lord Vishnu,Lord Shiva ,Lord Brahma and all the Gods and Goddesses, 7 Sages, Sacred rivers at last to Lord Surya(Sun).
  • After giving tharpan, water should be released for 3 times with hands at the banks of river and drain the water from the edges cloths for 3 times  before changing the dress.
  • After the above acts, Gayatri Japa has to be done or recite mantras related to Lord Surya.
  • People believe that tonsuring of head,staying,Fasting,Meditation, Donation, reciting mantras, Tharpanas for ancestors at the river in pushkara time is highly auspicious.
  • Watching,touching,bathing,drinking of sacred water at the time of pushkar is consider as highly auspicious and soul cleansing.
Scientific Reasons:
  • The enhanced Electro magnetic field of earth due to sun spot cycle or solar magnetic activity cycle at the time pushkar magnetizes water in the river and enhances healing properties in water. It is observed that entire body system raised to condition where it is equal to the effect of meditation.
  • Water will acquire magnetic power from earth and stored until early hours of sun rise. When ever a person perform bathing ritual at that time will be relieved from several health disorders.

Farm in the City- a Great Place with Cute and Tame Animals

At first, we couldn't believe where the farm is- Equine Park, Seri Kembangan, behind Giant Hypermarket... if it is true, then the farm should be surrounded by well developed residential and commercial areas. Well, as the name portrayed- Farm in the City, it is really a farm right in the middle of modern concrete buildings and highways. 

The entrance fees for MyKad holders were RM 30 for adult and RM 25 for child and senior citizen. Without MyKad, the entrance fees were RM 48 for adult and RM 38 for child and senior citizen. The complete address of the farm: Jalan Prima Tropika Barat, Bandar Putra Permai, Seri Kembangan. The operation hours for the farm were 10 am - 6 pm on weekdays, and 9:30 am - 6 pm on weekends and public holidays. The farm was closed on Tuesday except on public holiday.

We reached there at around 12 noon and stayed in the farm for more than 3 hours. The experience was good- we could actually touch, pet, and took close photos with almost all the animals in the farm. We were prohibited to bring outside food into the farm for the animals. For feeding, the animal food was available free of charge. Feeding time for some carnivorous animals and the schedule for animal show were available in the farm. Well, time to show our photos.

The signage to the farm was clearly displayed (upper left), which led us to a open space with a large "Downtown" entrance (upper right). There was ample of parking space (lower left). After the entrance, we need to turn right to enter the farm.

Our photo at the entrance of the farm.

The farm was very well landscaped. Photos showed the stairs right after the entrance (upper left), the giant tortoise exhibit (upper right), the farmer's hut by the lake (lower left), and the family resting area.

We could see the rare and exotics- albino crow (upper left), naturally white macaw (upper right), albino python, and Indian star back tortoise.

The members of old MacDonald's farm- big fat hen (upper left), pigeon (upper right), geese (lower left), and goats.

Of course, the cute animals were always the stars. We have Prairie dogs (upper left), Fennec Fox (upper right), the Flemish giant rabbit (lower left), and the striped skunk.

And of course, this super cute Prairie dog was one of the most eyes catching superstar!

The best thing about the farm- we could pet and touch the cuteness-overloaded animals :)

Parrots were very active.

There were many things to do- feeding and petting rabbits, deers, and giant tortoises were just a few of them. We could experience the moment of catching fish in longkang (drain) as well. These activities were "all included" without extra changes.

It is a great place for family, especially with kids. Experiencing close contact with various animals is invaluable. Just a rough count on feeding grounds- Aldabra and Sulcata tortoises at the Turtle and Tortoise Farm, rabbits and guinea pigs at the Pet Village, deers and goats at the Savanna, a cow at the Vegetables and Fruit Farm, and the fish and ducks beside the pond. All the animal food were free of charge.

We really need to put a thumb up for all the helpful and friendly farm keepers. They provided not only the information about the animals, but helped in distributing animal food to the visitors. They were animal lovers. We could see that from how they treated the animals. The farm was clean, but of course, couldn't be 100 % free of the smell of the animals.

To have an enjoyable trip, sufficient drinking water and comfortable footwear are necessary. Do allocate at least 3 hours for a relaxing tour around the farm. During our visit, the drink was available only at the canteen. There were flowing streams to be crossed, but the stepping stones were just nice to keep our feet dry. Throughout the trip, three of us just recorded with only one mosquito's bite, so it might not necessary for us to apply any mosquito repellent.

The Pet Village with rabbits and guinea pigs (upper left), the Savanna with tame deers, two world second smallest kangaroos, and two very naughty goats (upper right), fish feeding site (lower left), and the counter of the canteen.

Ducks came to share the food with fish.

The food at the canteen was nice. We tried tom yam with noodle, kampung fried rice, and mixed rice with drinks. The price, around RM10 per person. The canteen had an air conditioned section, which was fully booked during our visit. The open air section was very simple, but there were enough ceiling fans to keep us away from afternoon heat. The whole farm was heavily shrubbed so umbrella was necessary in case of raining only.

It will be perfect if the entrance fees can be a bit cheaper, and the toilets, a bit cleaner (of course, we couldn't really complain much about farm's toilets). And, the Vegetable and Fruit Farm need a bit more improvement. Visit again? Definitely.

Our sharing on attractions in Selangor are available at:

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Ayyappa - Protector of Natural Law

Ayyappa is a famous Hindu deity who is popularly worshipped in South-India. It is estimated over 50 million people reach the temple every year to seek blessings of the Lord Ayyappa on the day of Makar-Sankranthi or Pongal. The most famous Lord Ayyappan shrine or temple is located at Sabarimala, on the hills of Pathanamthitta in Kerala,India.

Cultural beliefs:
Ayyappa was found on the banks of River Pampa. He was adopted child to Pandala King(Rajashekhara) and cured the deaf and dumb of Teacher’s(Guru) son. Due to evil manipulations of his step mother, he went to forest and killed demoness Mahishi and came to kingdom riding on tiger for giving milk of tiger to his step mother. After that he went to dense forest and disappeared. Upon the instructions of Ayyappa, King built temple for Ayyappa in Sabarimalai. Sabarimalai means Sabari- the devote of Ayyappa and malai- the hill. Sabari, the devotee of Ayyappa had become a hill for the place of stay for Ayyappa.
There is spiritual relation existed between Lord Ayyappa and Lord Saturn. After watching troubles caused by Lord Shani to his devotees he suggested Ayyappa deeksha for 41+ days(mandalam) as remedy for all the troubles of Lord Saturn. These 41+ days Lord Ayyappa devotees experience all the difficulties to please Lord Saturn and reach Lord Ayyappa Temple by wearing black cloths as the symbol of Lord Saturn.
When Ayyappa learning war fighting tactics(Kalari Vidya) under guru panicker (last name of Kaniyars community of Kerala,who are teachers). Teachers daughter 'Nila' fell love with Lord Ayyappa and asked to marry her. But Lord refuges marry her by explaining his misson as Bramhachari(bachelor) to kill demon Mahishi.
Interesting facts:
  • Lord Ayyappa was born to Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu (Mohini Avatar) hence he is called as "Hariharasutan".
  • He born wearing Mani( Jewel stone or bell) around his neck hence he is called as "Manikanta".
  • The 18 steps to reach god are considered as Holy steps and indicates five senses,eight desires,3 behaviors,knowledge and ignorance. Act of crossing these steps is considered as sacred and bestows with self-realization.
  • According to Buddhism, Ayyappa is form of Dharma-sastha.
  • The original idol at sabarimalai temple was installed by Lord Parasurama.
  • Sabarimalai hill was the place where Sabhari lived and Lord Rama visited.
  • Makar Jyothi is a star which is worshiped by devotees as the form of Ayyappa on Makar Sankranthi day.
  • Makara Vilakku is sacred fire which appears on the top of hills near by the temple.
  • Thiruvaabharanam are the sacred gold ornaments of Ayyappa which are carried to temple before Makar sankranthi(around jan12th every year) and taken back to Pandalam temple after finishing of pilgrim season.Garuda (holy eagle) is the guardian of the ornaments.
  • Sabarimalai temple officially uses K.J.Yesudas famous singer voice for 'Harivarasanam' song which was recited before closing the temple every day.'Ayyappa Suprabhatham' is another song used as wake up song for Lord.
  • 'Nirajanam', Abhishekam with Ghee, Chanting Ayyappa names by taking Ayyappa Manadala Deeksha is sacred to get rid of bad influences of Lord Saturn.Hence he is called Shaneeshwaran Ayyappan.
  • 'Irumudi' is the travelling kit of devotees which keeps worship articles such as ghee coconuts, sandal, vibhooti, jacket pieces with the wishes written on it..
  • 'Aravana-payasam' is a sweet which is favorite to the Lord.
  • 'Arddhasana' is the yogic sitting posture of the lord explaining he have no wife nor sons to sit on his laps. Some says it the posture of meditation with consciousness and observance. As Ayyappa, he is a bachelor but, as Manikanta he has 2 wives called Poorna and Pushkalamba.
  • Names Of devotees according number of times they wear Ayyappa mala Kanni Swamy,Kathi Swamy,Ganta Swamy,Gada Swamy,Peru Swamy,Jyothi Swamy,Surya Swamy,Chandra Swamy,Trishula Swamy,Vishnu chakra Swamy,Shankadhara Swamy,Nagabharana Swamy,Srihari Swamy,Padma Swamy,Sri Swamy,Sri Sabari(Rathigiri) Swamy,Omkara swamy,Narikela Swamy(Guru)
  • Only Guru can give mala to other devotees
Scientific Reasons:
  • Humans show much interest in wearing colorful cloths in daily life. But, devotees of Lord Ayyapa wear unattractive black cloths.Exact reason is people will wear Ayyapa Mala in winter season(especially Karthika Masam) and black cloths will absorb heat and protects the body from cold climate. And black cloths will hide the people from wild animals at night when they travel in sabarimalai forest for seeing Ayyappan. Black color is favorite color for Lord saturn by wearing black cloths the Lord will be pleased and blessed the devotees.
  • People wear rudrakshas , Spatika, Tulasi, Sandal wood, Coral,Lotus beads as jewellery around the neck at the time of Ayyapa Deeksha.  Rudrakshas will control anger and lowers Blood pressure. Tulasi beads lowers extra heat, Sandalwood beads will remove unwanted thirst from the body, Spatika(Crystal) beads will absorb toxins from the body, Coral beads makes uniform blood flow in body, Lotus beads will eliminate skin diseases from the body.
  • People will wear this Ayyapa Mala and continue it for 40+ days and reach Ayyappa temple in Kerala state. These 40+ days called as Mandala Deeksha and it is compared to 27 stars + 12 Zodiac signs + 9 Planets = 48 days. Internal meaning states that people who wear Ayyapa Mala need to overcome all the affects of stars, zodiac signs, planets and reach the lord with pure devotion. Many of the Ayurveda treatments also have a span of 41+ days. Devotees take deeksha for 41 days and start for the yatra to sabarimalai and return home with the mala and in total it would cover 48 days.
  • People who wear Ayyappa Mala will be respect the all human beings by calling with the name of God as 'Swamy'. They bow to the people who wear Ayyappa Mala. This practices will remove Ego in one and shows the world in equal manner. People in deeksha shouldn't apply oil to hair, should not shave and lead simple life by quitting all bad habits in these 41+ days period which explain about leaving ego, pride and victory over them with self control. People need to wake up at 4AM in the morning which is called 'Bramha muhurta' where the brain cells can perform in higher magnitude and fills our body with new life force.
  • By litting camphor, the smoke arose from camphor will clear our sinus this is the main reason devotees worship Lord Ayyapan twice a day by litting camphor. Cold water baths have many medicinal benefits in winter and explains leaving worldly comforts by controlling mind to see the Lord.Leaving spicy,hot and salty tastes and eating nature food(sattvic food) which is easily digestible will raises immunity power and controls the mind and thought process. Preparing food by self and omitting outside food will explain good hygiene protecting from various contagious diseases which spreads in winter.
  • Walking with bear foot without using sandals will acts as treatment of acupuncture and controls blood pressure. It adopts the procedure before climbing the hill at sabarimalai temple. Sleeping on floor will relieve various ailments in body due to earths magnetic force.
  • Performing Japas and Bajans with group of devotees and attending to meals offered by devotees will makes the person socially active by giving equal importance to people irrespective of caste, religion, race and social status.