Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Eclipse - Super Natual Phenomenon

A time where Sun or Moon covered with darkness is called eclipse. From the perspective of viewer when a shadow of an astronomical object falls on another object obscuring the object temporarily.
Cultural beliefs:
In ancient texts Rig Veda it was stated that Sage Atri removed darkness of solar eclipse by reciting sacred mantras. Sage Atri alone have knowledge of eclipse and removal procedures. In Valmiki Ramayana, eclipse is explained as demon Rahu swallowing Sun temporarily. In Mahabharata Lord Krishna utilized the time of solar eclipse and helps Arjuna to kill his son assassin. The phenomenon also existed in sacred texts such as Manusmriti and Atharvanaveda.

All the temples in India were closed during eclipse time. Hindus believe strong negative charge will discharge on earth during eclipse time. As sun and moon are considered as gods due to their discharge of energies on the earth. Eclipse time is considered as inauspicious due to blockage of light from the sun and moon. People who belong to Scorpion and Sagittarius zodiac signs will donate charity to others to overcome ill effects of lunar eclipse. Darbha the sacred grass is considered as protector from ill effects of eclipse. People spread sacred grass around the house to overcome the effects.
As per puranas during the Churning of the Ocean of Milk, Rahu has got hold of the nectar and had it. Other Devas got frightened, sun and moon went to Lord Vishnu (in the form of Mohini) and appealed then he separated the head from his body and later he became a planet. Due to this Rahu swallows sun and moon, thus caused eclipse(Grahana) temporally, as Rahu don’t have body sun and moon will come out from the throat. This process of coming out from Rahu called as Grahana Moksha.

Interesting facts:
  • Chinese also mentioned about solar eclipse in 2137 B.C.
  • There is a relation between birth (569 A.D) and death (632 A.D.) of Mohammed prophet with solar eclipse
  • Scientists examined total solar eclipse in the date 18 August 1961 at Guntur district, AndhraPradesh.
  • When solar eclipse occur at a place it can only repeated in that place after 360 years.
  • Some of Lord Shiva temples were opened during eclipse time because he is considered as 'Layakara'.
  • One should keep stomach empty and shouldn't cook at that time. Food should be prepared and consumed by taking bath only after eclipse time. People chant mantras during eclipse by keeping fast entire day.
  • Majorly Lunar eclipse occurs on Full Moon Day and Solar eclipse occurs on New Moon Day. 
  • Lunar eclipse occurs 0-3 times a year. Solar eclipse occur 2-5 times in a year.

Scientific reasons:
  • Moon revolves around earth, earth revolve around sun, thus moon ends up revolving around sun along with earth. When these three objects often interact with other in a straight line forms eclipse. 
  • When moon comes in between sun and earth, the moon will block the sun rays to certain extent of earth as shadow thus forms solar eclipse. 
  • When earth comes in between sun and moon, the earth will block the sun rays to certain extent of moon as shadow thus forms Lunar eclipse.
  • Solar eclipse is divided into three types. when moon completely shadows the sun is known as Umbra. When moon is small (due to distance) to shadow entire sun is known as antumbra. When moon partially shadow sun is known as penumbra.
  • Lunar eclipse is also divided into two types. When earth completely shadows the moon is known as umbra. When earth partially shadows moon is known as penumbra. There is no antumbra in lunar eclipse because earth is greater in its diameter when compared with moon.
  • During eclipse time the ultraviolet rays and x-rays emitted from sun causes some distraction on humans. This can seen particularly babies born with dysmorphic feature.
  • All the planets which have moon’s (satellites) their occur eclipse. There is no eclipse on mercury and Venus because they have no moons.
  • Scientific experiments proved that food turns to poisonous at the time of eclipse. Placing darbha grass (non conductor of electrical waves and rays) will protect the place and food items.In Jaipur Zoo, Animals not accepted Meat at the time eclipse. 

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