Saturday, 27 April 2013

Food in Hanoi

We stayed in Hanoi for three days. We tried many local Hanoi dishes, and we strongly recommend the top three on our list- Hanoi beef noodle, Vietnamese spring roll, and Vietnam coffee.

Beef noodle soup is a must try food in Hanoi, unless beef is not your favorite. In local, the noodle made of rice is called 'Pho' (pronounce as fur in English). The common name for the dish is Pho-Bo (beef noodle soup). However, the name of the dish is much more specific in Hanoi.

Around Old Quarter, instead of pho-bo, we found pho-tai (noodle soup with half done beef fillet), pho-tai-gao (noodle soup with half done brisket beef), pho-chin (noodle soup with well done beef), and many more. The taste, varied from a place to another. Among these shops, Pho 10 served the best pho-bo. The shop is located at Ly Quoc Su, near to Ly Quoc Su Temple and St. Joseph Cathedral. The pho served by the shop was really nice. Plus, friendly staff, clean environment with air conditioned, and with reasonable price. We stopped at Pho 10 after visiting St. Joseph Cathedral. The review of this shop is available at Tripadvisor.

Pho 10 from the outside (upper left). The vivid outlook makes it easy to be seen. The shop is clean and tidy (upper right). The cooks are taking care of the order (lower left), and in less than 10 minutes, hot pho-tai was served.

Next, the spring roll. What is so special about the spring roll? The recipe. Spring roll is widely available in our country as well, which more commonly refereed as popiah. But the spring roll with seafood, pork, raw vegetable such as onion, mint leaves, tomato, that's authentic. Rainbow Restaurant offered nice spring roll. The location, Hang Hanh Road nearby Hoan Kiem Lake, some 50 meters away from our hotel- Hanoi Old Centre Hotel.

This is how the restaurant looks like from the outside (upper left) and from the inside (lower left). We have two options- steamed (upper right) or fried.

Vietnam coffee has a special taste. That makes the coffee "Vietnam coffee" (ouch).We tried Vietnam coffee at many places, before we stepped into Trung Nguyen outlet nearby Hoan Kiem Lake. That was our last night at Hanoi. We ordered Black Vietnam coffee and weasel coffee at the outlet. The coffee were served with single cup drip filter.

Trung Nguyen outlet nearby Hoan Kiem Lake (upper left). The another side of the outlet is used as tourism information centre. We bought several packets of Trung Nguyen coffee from the outlet (lower left), and took the opportunity to enjoy the world class coffee.

Then, the street food. Many hawkers selling food and drinks at the road side. The choice is ours. The food hygiene is always our biggest concern when we talk about street food. From what we could see, the street food served around Old Quarter were safe to be consumed. You will see more street food at the night market on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. We tried several dishes, including the kebab, che, sweet corn, lemon tea, and banh trang tron (pronounced as barn-chan-tron).We found very nice banh trang tron at 38, Hang Tron Road.

Street food is almost everywhere in Old Quarter, especially around the night market (upper left). Banh trang tron is a mixture of rice paper with salad and egg (upper right). Che is sort of ais batu campur in our country (lower left). It contains a mixture of fruits, sago, green beans, red beans, and ice. Chinese food is quite hard to find. The one that we tried somewhere near the night market was quite expensive. A combination of stewed pork, steamed chicken, and vegetable cost USD 5 per person. 

Refreshing lemon tea at the road side, in front of St. Joseph Cathedral.Photo taken with Smile (lady in pink on the left), one of our tour guides from HanoiKids. We would like to thank Thu for taking this photo for us.

We tried several other types of noodles. We found that the beef noodle soup is still the best around Hanoi.

Overall, Hanoi has enough authentic local food that keep us attracted. So, we didn't really visited any fast food outlets, or opt for Western food. Overall, we found that food at Hanoi taste good, and a bit similar to Chinese food. 

We stayed at Old Quarter area, so we could reach various of Vietnam food by foot. For the food lovers, staying somewhere within the Old Quarter Area might be a good idea. The food in Hanoi was not expensive. The noodles served in restaurants were between 40,000d - 60,000d (RM6.40 - 9.50/ USD2.10 - 3.10). Street food such as che and banh trang tron were available at 20,000d (RM3.20/ USD1.10). Lemon tea at the road side of St. Joseph Cathedral was served with 10,000d (RM1.60/ USD 0.52) per glass. Fresh fruit juices were served 30,000 per cup (RM5/ USD1.60). The price for the food and drinks were listed in Vietnamese Dong. So, bringing Dong would be more convenient compared to US Dollar. 

We will share more about our family trip at Hanoi with HanoiKids next.

Nokia Lumia 620

Lately, I bought Nokia Lumia 620, first time I experience any Lumia devices and windows phones. The thing which attract me I.e. its flat theme look. I found that I made lucrative deal under budget.

Let’s take a look over its features:

The phones packed with strong dual core processor with the power of 1 GHZ, camera quality is decent with its 5MP of resolution but secondary camera were little disappointing, the picture quality were so poor when we make a call over on Skype.  Sound quality was not so clear in loudspeaker mode but good in headset.

Display and touch quality is dynamic, gaming and video runs smoothly on the device. Overall it’s a nice phone under budget, the phone cost me 14,500 thousand. Sometimes you may feel little bulky in hands because phones is 11mm thick.

The interesting stuff was camera, performance, texting and gaming which tends user to buy the phone, one more thing which making the Lumia devices attractive in look and feel I.e. its back color but Nokia Lumia 620 is sealed with only one back cover of what color you will buy the phone. If want some extra you will have to spent some money to buy.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

La fin du prêt-à-jeter ?

Un projet de loi visant à faire de l'obsolescence programmée un délit sera présenté le 2 mai au Sénat par les écologistes. Alors que l'on désespère de tirer 0.1% de croissance par la consommation, je crains que le projet n'aboutisse pas.

L'obsolescence programmée consiste à vous fabriquer des trucs jolis, pratiques ou indispensables, mais de qualité médiocre et rapidement foutus, ou pire, à prévoir leur autodestruction (quitte à foirer la programmation et provoquer un retour usine prématuré). 

Après la délocalisation quasi complète de secteurs industriels ou technologiques vers les pays à mieux-disant salarial, l'obsolescence programmée est une étape logique de la mondialisation.

Une fois que nous sommes devenus dépendants d'objets (high-tech et électroménager) n'étant plus fabriqués qu'à un ou deux endroits sur la planète (régulièrement changés pour encore moins cher) par une dizaine de constructeurs et de marchands, ceux-ci n'ont plus qu'à transformer peu à peu la nature et la cadence de nos achats. De l'acquisition de l'objet, on est ainsi passé à un abonnement ne disant pas son nom. L'obsolescence programmée est l'autre façon de faire sortir de l'argent à ceux qui ne peuvent plus s'endetter.

Je prends toujours l'exemple de mon ampli de 1975, avec ses enceintes made in France, livrée avec son schéma électrique en poster et qui marche toujours alors que je n'ai jamais pu conserver en état de fonctionnement correct un baladeur mp3 plus de 2 ans et quelques mois. Je prends ces des exemples car ils ont la même finalité et j'use autant l'un que l'autre.

Tu me diras, l'ampli valait peut-être un mois de SMIC à l'époque et le baladeur quelques jours de travail aujourd'hui. Le libéral me rétorquera que c'est ici le prix à payer (ou plutôt à ne pas payer) pour "la démocratisation des biens industriels de grande consommation"Stéphane Soumier sur son blog considère que "l'obsolescence programmée c'est fondamentalement la baisse des prix". Que ces choses sont dites avec délicatesse. C'est, à l'inverse, la réduction des coûts de fabrication et l’inondation des marchés mondiaux de produits à bas coût qui conduisent à l’obsolescence programmée et, au final pour le consommateur, à payer les choses plus cher puisque plus souvent. D'autant que ce mécanisme du sous-produit à destination des pauvres s'étend à de plus en plus de secteurs au-delà de l'électroménager (les meubles, la décoration, l'outillage, les jouets...). Pour S.Soumier, le consommateur est bien au fait du dumping salarial en place et il sait très bien qu'il achète de la came pourrie qui "tiendra ce qu’elle tiendra.". S'il a raison sur le fait que nos achats conditionnent les politiques des fabricants, et que sous leurs douches publicitaires (constituant une grosse partie du prix de l'objet) on l'oublie trop souvent, il a en partie tort sur le reste.

Le consommateur n'a souvent pas le choix. Comme je l'ai écrit plus haut, il n'est souvent plus question de "concurrence". Quelques constructeurs fabriquent aux mêmes endroits des produits programmés pour mourir vite et qu'ils pourraient d'ailleurs vendre encore moins cher en magasin (les grosses marges se faisant sur les prix de transfert entre filiales off-shore).

Si l’obsolescence programmée est le résultat de gains de compétitivité et de la réduction des coûts : où est le véritable bénéfice pour le consommateur ? (hormis la pulsion d'achat immédiatement satisfaite). 10.000 lecteurs DVD à 30 euros qui tombent en panne à la troisième lecture ne méritent pas la mention "démocratisation" mais un procès en class-action.[1]

"L'économie" ne tient pas dans la durée. Je reprends l'exemple de l'ampli et du baladeur : Un ampli à 1000 euros en 40 ans (en partie fabriqué en France), Un baladeur à 100 euros tous les 2 ans et 2 jours = 2000 euros en 40 ans (0% fabriqué en France). De plus, à la différence du baladeur serti dans sa coque plastique, l'ampli est facilement démontable, réparable pour pas trop cher. Étendons l'anecdote du baladeur à toute la baraque, du canapé à la cafetière, en passant par la chasse d'eau, le scotch qui ne scotche pas et le lave-vaisselle (il n'y a guère que les légumes bourrés de conservateurs qui durent un peu), et tu consacres un budget non négligeable à faire le réassort de bidules qui claquent en continu (ayant tous le point commun d'être fabriqués loin et compliqués à réparer).

De plus, si l'on applique à tous les secteurs la logique de l'obsolescence programmée, en plus de manger du cheval à la place du bœuf et de respirer à pleins poumons des nuages radioactifs (" -ah bah tu comprends les joints en plastique taïwanais étaient moins chers pour la centrale, man"), nous reviendrons vite à l'âge de pierre (ou plutôt de carton-pâte). J'ai le souvenir d'une époque pas si lointaine où progrès voulait dire progrès, ou avec le centième de la technologie actuelle on te construisait des trucs pouvant durer quarante ans.

Loi ou pas, la question de l'obsolescence programmée, et celle liée de la relocalisation industrielle, va se réinviter d'une façon ou d'une autre chez les constructeurs.

Sans évoquer la question écologique, j'en ai juste marre d'acheter des choses qui marchent mal, ou meurent au bout de 24 mois. Comme dirait l'enseigne de vente high-tech qui tourne de l'oeil "le contrat de confiance" est rompu. Çà, plus le sous-effectif systématique aux caisses dans les grands magasins (l'attente du client est de ces rares "charges" que les enseignes n'ont pas à régler et dont elles abusent allègrement), comme beaucoup d'autres, je m'éloigne progressivement de cette consommation[2]. C'est presque moins une question de pognon que de simple dégoût d'acheter du prêt-à-jeter. Si la démocratisation de la consommation doit passer par le médiocre alors il vaut mieux pour le consommateur refuser cette "démocratisation" là. 

[1] Il est étonnant qu'il faille un permis de construire pour éviter que les maisons ne s'écroulent, un code de la route pour éviter de rouler sur la mauvaise file, mais pas un encadrement plus strict de la vente de produits avec une certificat de qualité.

[2] enfin bon, nul n'est parfait, hein.

Article connexes :
- L'escroquerie institutionnalisée
- Le vent de la liberté (saveur pomme)
- Ipad et conséquences


Wednesday, 24 April 2013

HanoiKids, Great Ambassador of Hanoi

When we heard HanoiKids for the very first time, we couldn't hold our imagination. None of what we had imagined came close to what we met in Hanoi. They are young university students, friendly, energetic, helpful, good English, and they could get along with our family members very well. On top of that, they work voluntarily. It means, we are not obligated to pay for their service.

We had experienced taking a free service, which ended up with a merry-go-round of expensive merchandise outlets and souvenir shops. Once we met with handsomely paid tour guide who couldn't communicate effectively. A few others, good service with equal weighting of payment. Of course, once in a while, we stumbled onto those who offered excellent service with relatively low payment.

How about excellent service with zero cost? You must be crazy. Well, that's what we had in Hanoi.

As usual, before we departed to Hanoi, we had done our homework. Tripadvisor, Lonely Planet, Wikipedia, blogs, official websites, none escaped. Information was captured, and plans were drawn. What could be better than getting a local guide as companion? Well, instead of one, we had a team of two. We took two trips with the members of HanoiKids.

The first trip, day 1, afternoon. We strolled around our hotel at the old quarter. By foot, we visited Hoan Kiem Lake, Ngoc Son Temple, Thap Rua Tower (Turtle Tower), the Opera House, Vietnamese Women's Museum, St. Joseph Cathedral, and Ly Quoc Su Pagoda. The second trip, day 2, starting at Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in the morning, followed by Presidential Palace, Ho Chi Minh's house, One Pillar Pagoda, and the Temple of Literature. Then, in the afternoon, we visited Hanoi Citadel for about two hours before heading back to our hotel at 5 p.m.

During the trip, the members of HanoiKids guided our way, explained everything they could recall about places, helped us to call for taxi, worked as our translators, and tried very best to accommodate everything in our to-do list. They were good in recommending nice places to stop for lunch and dinner as well. The best part of being together with HanoiKids members is, they were more like friends than tour guides to us. We chatted a lot down the street and have learned invaluable information about the life in Hanoi.

Smile (pink shirt) and Thu (green shirt) with our family in front of Ngoc Son Temple. They told us the story about the turtle reservation in the temple later on.

Taking ice lemon tea beside St. Joseph Cathedral. Thu told us that resting on the small kid bench in front of the shops while enjoying the food and drinks is a part of Hanoi's life. Well, we like it!

Duc (right) and Thi (left) with us in front of Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. We have to express our highest appreciation to them for keeping up with our tight schedule- visiting many places in such a short period of time.

Thi was explaining something to Livien and Bryant.

We would like to express our highest gratitude to HanoiKids, especially to Thu, Smile, Thi, and Duc. Thank you very much for making our Hanoi trip a great experience for our family. You all are really great ambassadors of Hanoi. Keep up the good work. All the best and keep in touch.

More information about HanoiKids are available at

More sharing about our experience at Hanoi is available: Food in Hanoi.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Spatika Lingam

Spatika Lingam:
Spatika lingam is six faced long, stick and glassy that are mostly found in the mountains of Himalaya, Vindhya and Sankagiri. It is made of crystal.

Cultural Beliefs:
Spatika Lingam has divine power. In Puranas Spatikam is the divine stone which represents the Trimurthi (Lords Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma) and goddess Shakti. As per Yajur Vedam Lord Shiva is also described as “Jyothi spatika Lingam”, i.e. Lord Shiva is in the form of Jyothi, Lingam and Spatika. Lord Shiva resides in atom, electron and neutron of the spatika lingam.

According to ancients 'Prana Prathista of Shiva Lingam' is not required when the lingam is made with spatikam. By touching spatika lingam in the early morning will bring positive effects for the whole day.

Spatika lingam was worshiped as Lord Chandramauleeswara in Chidabaram, Tamilnadu,    Lord Sundareswara in Meenakshi Temple, Madurai Lord Ramanathaswamy in Rameshwaram, Tamilnadu.
Interesting Facts:
  • Worshiping spatika lingam with water, milk or vibhuthi will eliminate all negative energies present in the once body. 
  • Worshiping with Shiva Panchakshari 108 times will destroy all curses and sins.
  • A lot of positive energy will vibrate if worshiped vibuthi is rubbed on the forehead. This will change Fate, wealth will flourish, and all diseases will be controlled when we eat a pinch of worshipped vibhuthi.
  • Sudden Accidents and  severe illness will be eliminated and desires will be fulfilled when spatika linga is worshiped  with Maha Mrutyumjaya mantra.
 Spatika Lingam Pooja Procedure:
  • The devotee has to take a bath and wear fresh clothes.
  • Chant Lord Shiva Mantra (om Namaha Shiva’) to create a mood.
  • Ring bell to start the Pooja.
  • We have to perform the panchamrutha abhishekam with items like Ganga water or fresh water, honey, sugarcane, juice, cow milk, ghee, coconut water, yoghurt and rose water.
  • Pour the liquid and chant Lord Shiva Mantra or Shiva Panchakshari stotram for 108 times.
  • After that clean  the lingam with water and decorate with flowers and sandalwood paste.
  • Offer prasadam like fruits or sweets to Lord Shiva.
  • Burn Camphor and perform Aarti To God and ring the bell.
  • Give the aarti and Pray to Lord Shiva.
  • Apply vibhuti on the forehead and distribute the prasadam to family members.
  • The vibrations present in the spatika lingam are very high and will counteract all the negative effects of planets Worshipping Spatika Linga will give confidence, power, perfection and removes all sorts of worries.
  • Spatika  Lingam worship will enhance wealth and prosperity. Spatika Shiva lingam gives tremendous concentration and is better for students, businessmen and people who need to achieve goals.
 Scientific Reasons:
  • Spatika is a gemstone made of silicon and oxygen(SiO4).
  • Spatika is a good conductor of heat. The wearer will attain coolness and calmness.
  • Spatikam is used to replace diamond and associated planet Venus.
  • Goddess Sarawathi always holds spatika mala in her hand. Spatika will bring electro-chemical balance in the body and absorbs excess heat.
  • Spatika Shiva Lingam attracts the sunlight and reflects 7-colors as the rainbow.
  • Pouring water on Spatika Lingam(Crystal Quartz) will ionize the water and this water is having different healing properties. Spatikam will restore the water crystalline structure and prevents pollution.
  • By drinking abhishekam water from spatikam lingam, These liquids carry heavy loads of oxygen to each and every cell in the blood stream and eliminates the free radicals from the body and prevent diseases. Spatika lingam will increase alkalinity levels and electrical conductivity of the liquids and decrease the surface tension of liquid. Intake of abhishekam liquids makes the human body to operate much more smoothly.
  • According gemologist these Crystals will need to recharge to release negative energies. There are so many prescribed methods washing Spatikam in sea water, River water, burying crystals inside earth for sometime, exposing crystals to sun or moon rays,Creating Sound vibrations by ringing bell.
  • Refer Dr. Masaru Emoto's Water Theory about water crystalline structure.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Hanuman Jayanti - Lord Hanuman Birthday

Hanuman Jayanti:
Hanuman Jayanti is the birthday of Lord Hanuman celebrated in the month of Chaitra on the 15th day of Shukla Paksha. This is an important festival among Hindus. Hanuman is great devotee for Lord Rama. Hanuman is worshipped as god who has magical powers and can conquer evil spirits. Lord Hanuman`s knowledge is like Ocean (Maha Samudram). He helps in driving the bad in us and helps the people who are good in virtues. He has very great power, courage and strong Body.

Cultural Beliefs:
As per Hindu Mythology, Lord Hanuman is the God of Power, Knowledge and strength. Lord hanuman was born to God Wind (Kesari) and Anjani on the Chaitra Shukla Pournami so he is called as ‘ANJANEYA’. He is the incarnation of Lord Shiva. As per Yajur Veda, the heads and faces are his own and is in the hearts of all. Lord Hanuman has gained his knowledge from Lord Sun, the infinitely wise planet on earth. He was born as Monkey God to serve Lord Rama. He is also called as Maruthi, Anjaneya, Pavanputra, MahaVira and Bajrangbali.

The Epic Ramayana is not complete without Lord Hanuman. Sundara Kanda a part in Ramayana mainly describes about Lord Hanuman. In Ramayana all the divine souls come to earth and the apes are modified to play the role of vehicles like this the race of Vanara (reddish orange color) came into existence. Hanuman was born in this race so in all the Hanuman temples he is colored in reddish orange color. Hanuman Japa will help us to keep away the ill health and drives off the evil spirits.

Hanuman Jayanti Pooja Procedure:
  • Devotees have to take bath early in the morning and Has to visit the Hanuman Temple.
  • Devotees have to fast on this day.
  • Light a lamp with mustard oil and betel leaves garland. Normally the betel leaves should consist of 21,31 or 51 and an arecanut in each leaf.
  • Recite Hanuman Chalisa(for 21 times to get blessings) and should do Japa of Lord Rama.
  • Hanuman will bless the devotees with success.
  • Apply sindhoor with the ring finger only to get good Luck and denotes Victory. Donate Vermillon(Sindoor) and oils(Chameli /Jasmine) for the idol of Lord Hanuman.
  • Calotropis leaves and flowers have to be used in the multiples of five.
  • Fruits like Bananas are offered to Lord Hanuman.
  • Minimum five circumambulations has to be done, if devotee wish to perform more than that he has to be do in the multiples of five.
  • Lord Hanuman was born at sunrise so discourses in the temple are started from dawn.
  • Prasads are distributed only after sunset.
  • 108 vadas are offered to God as Naivedyam.
 Interesting Facts:
  • Hanuman was blessed by the most powerful gods when he was just a 1/2-year old child.
  • In Maharashtra Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated on pournami of chaitra Masam.
  • In kerala and Tamilnadu states, people believe that Hanuman was born on moola Nakshatra in the Margazhi (dec15-Jan14) month.
  • In Andhra, Hanuman Jayanthi will be celebrated for 41 days. It is started on Chaitra Pournami and ends on the 10th day of Vaisakha month’s Krishna Paksha or Hanuman Jayanti.
  • When Lord Lord Hanuman conveyed the message from Sri Rama to Sita, she was happy and gave Hanuman a betel vine for him as an appreciation so betel leaves garland is used.
  • Lord Hanuman has to be worshipped by the people who are going under Saade-saati (Elinati Shani) of Saturn, to reduce the difficulties caused by Saturn.
  • Shani Yantra is kept at the feet of Hanuman to let us know that he is over Lord Shani.
  • Lord Hanuman has great influence for all evils against Kuja Dosha.
  • Hanuman Tail pooja has to be started on this day in order to get your boons granted.
  • Vada(prepared with fried tacos and black pepper) are considered to be auspicious.
Hanuman Chalisa Importance:
Reciting Hanuman chalisa will yield many benefits. Reciting the verses will remove the doshas, remove hardships, will be blessed with knowledge, removing misunderstandings, helps in attaining fame, recovering lost status, accomplishing the difficult tasks by overcoming the obstacles, to drive away the negative energies, maintaining good health and victory over evil forces.

Scientific Reasons:
  • Human thoughts behave crazy like monkeys. According to ancient philosophy god is within us and we have all properties and powers of god but we need remind them by controlling mind, intellect and ego. But how to control and how to remember? answer is, by devotional surrender or meditation we will attain them. This is the thing we need to learn from Lord Hanuman. He needs to be reminded about his powers for performing every action. He surrenders to Lord Rama by deep meditation to control mind, intellect and ego.
  • Hanuman was characterized as monkey, son of Lord Vayu and compared into two phases 1) His powerful strength 2) His devotion against Lord Rama. Human thoughts also powerful but behave like monkey (out of control) to attain powerful strength we need devotion (means concentration on breathing).
  • In total Lord Hanuman is a power acquired by Pranayama (Breath control exercise). In Ramayana Lord Rama (Soul), Sita- Daughter of Earth (Body) and Lakshmi (Mind) they will stay together under control of dasha-ratha (10 senses).
  • If Kaikeyi(selfishness), Surpanaka(Lust), Ravana(Ego) dominates Dasaratha will die and sita will disappear(body was out of control) and detach from Soul, Mind. Lakshma (mind) will be diverted and Rama (Soul) remains in wander. By killing Selfishness, Lust, Ego with meditation (Hanuman) Soul, body and mind gets united. So elevate Lord Hanuman with in you.
Jai Anjini putra, Jai Kesari nandana, Jai Pavana putra, Jai Bajaranga bali.

Download Panchangam:

Friday, 19 April 2013

Ces crétins que l'on ne bâillonne pas assez

Théorie du pire, rappel.

Un homme (nous l’appellerons Joe La louze) hystérise le pays pendant 5 ans. Après avoir fait des papouilles idéologiques à l'extrême droite, en plus d'un pays méchamment endetté, il laisse son parti dans un état de décomposition mentale avancée.

Au détour de la loi pour le mariage pour tous (qui passe comme une lettre à la poste dans tous les pays développés), une never-been hystéro, trop déglinguée pour la télé-réalité, se lance dans l'activisme contestataire avec la bénédiction de l'UMP.

(Après tout, quand on a eu Enrico Macias, Steevy ou Patrick Buisson comme idéologues, plus aucun  think-tank ne surprend à droite.)

Des chaines d'information couvrent intensivement les manifestations de la never-been hystéro en tablant sur le fait que leur côté anti gouvernement couvrirait ses slogans de plus en plus ouvertement anti homos.

Ce bazar obscurantiste réunit la diversité la plus putride des droites éparpillées:
- les cathos tradis dont les réseaux financent la mise en branle, 
- la droite à la droite du FN
- les réacs de 642 ap.JC, 
- des Marie-Chantal en Carré Hermés,
- Du Gudard
- les anti-Hollande chauffés à blanc par la presse depuis 8 mois 
- des députés UMP en roue libre qui n'ont pas plus fait le bilan de leurs échecs électoraux répétés qu'ils n'ont de vision pour la France (enfin autre que le comeback de Joe La louze)
- et beaucoup de frustration sexuelle (si si les images parlent).

Bref, l'abrutea-party est en marche. Il se voit déjà majoritaire et anti élites. Mais ce qui marque surtout c'est sa capacité à défoncer quotidiennement les portes de la connerie la plus grumeleuse. 
(attention ne pas se méprendre: dans notre environnement médiatique c'est un avantage).

Et dans leur marche contrariée vers l'Elysée, n'écoutant que leur courage, nos grands défenseurs de la famille mettent en avant... leurs enfants.

Au passage, après avoir craché dessus durant des décennies, découvrir sur le tard les joies lacrymales de la contestation sur pavé. 

Malgré les dérapages, les propos limites, les désirs de "sang", ouvrir grandes les ondes à ces irresponsables, mais ne pas s'offusquer que les abords du Sénat et de l'Assemblée nationale soient progressivement envahis par les prières de rue (catholiques, c'est pour ça). 

Laisser la droite accuser la gauche d'attiser la violence, alors que la droite ferme les yeux sur les débordements du mouvement et condamne mollement les (prévisibles) actes de violence qui en résultent. Et oui, car entre temps, grisés par l'agitation et l'open bar médiatique offert à leur haine décomplexée, des disciples des #ManifPourTous tabassent un couple homo en plein Paris et vandalisent un bar gay lillois (Une "initiative citoyenne" selon la porte-parole des #ManifPourTous). 

Commencer à tabasser les journalistes.

Et, enfin, à court d'arguments à droite (car en fait il y en a jamais vraiment eu de raisonnablement audible contre le mariage pour tous) en venir aux mains dans l'hémicycle.

A l'inverse de la Une du dernier Valeurs Actuellesvu les tonneaux de vomi qu'elle déverse sur ce pays en un temps record, j'ai tendance à penser que l'on n'a pas assez bâillonné l'expression des valeurs moisies de cette France des siècles enfouis.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Sri Rama Navami - Lord Rama Birthday

Sri Rama Navami:
Sri Rama navami is a Hindu festival celebrating for Lord Rama birth. Rama Navami comes on Shukla Paksha on the ninth day of chaitra masam.Rama Navami is the ninth day of the chaitra Masam Vasanta Navaratri celebrations. Sri Rama Navami is mainly celebrated at noon time.

Cultural Beliefs:
In the Epic Ramayana, Ayodhya king Dasaratha had 3 wives named Kausalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi. They have no children. On the advice of Sage Vashista, they perform putra yagna. King Dasaratha performs the yagna, Yagneshwara appears before the king and gives him a bowl of kheer and asks him to give to the 3 wives. After that the 3 wives became pregnant and on the ninth day kausalya gives birth to Lord Rama (Lord Vishnu 9thincarnation) in the afternoon. Lord Rama has taken birth as per his own will to kill Ravana.

Interesting Facts:
  • Lord Rama was born in Punarvasu Nakshatra, navami thiti and the planets Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus were very high in position.
  • As per astrologers Lord Rama was born in 5010BC, Feb 10 after checking the stars and epics.
  • Mostly temples will celebrate the festival for 9 days after Ugadi(New Year).
  • As per Maliki Ramayana, Lord Rama and site marriage was performed Margashirsha Shukla Panchami so people will celebrate Lord Rama and sita kalyanam on this day.
  • In Bhadrachalam Temple (Andhra Pradesh) the wedding anniversary is performed.
  • In north India Ratha yatra is performed by placing idols of Lord Rama,sita , Lakshmana(brother of Rama) and hanuman.
  • People visit temples mainly located at Ayodhya and Rameswaram as these two places are closed related to Lord Rama
  • Lord Rama was an ideal son, brother, husband, friend, enemy and King.
Rama Navami Procedure:
  • Temples are decorated with flowers and mango leaves.
  • Traditional prayers are performed in the temple.
  • Devotional Songs, singing Bajans are preformed from morning till afternoon as Lord Rama was born in the that time a special prayer is done.
  • Some Devotees fast on this day till the completion of celebrations in the evening.
  • Mostly some people will fast through all the nine days of Vasanta Navaratri.
  • Panakam (sweet drink prepared with Jaggery and pepper) and vadapappu is kept as Naivedyam to god and the same is distributed at temples to the devotees.
  • Even at home also people will do prayers and prepare the food items.
  • Rama Raksha Strotram or Sri Rama Asthothram has to be recited eleven times to resolve problems and gain prosperity.
  • Sri Rama Ramethi from Vishnu Sahasra Namam has to be recited.
 Scientific Reasons:
  • Rama Navami comes in the beginning of summer time when the sun is in Pisces.
  • Fasting on these days has many health benefits. Refer to fasting on this blog.
  • Pepper is traditionally used in Ayurveda to heal ailments of headache, stomach and throat.
  • Panakam is especially used as a home remedy for cold and cough.
  • Jaggery contains iron, minerals and vitamins
  • Ginger aids the digestion and helps to relieve stomach ache, promote circulation.
  • Ginger if powdered is very useful in motion sickness.

Also check more details about Lord Rama

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Ugadi - Welcome for Spring Season

'Ugadhi' represents the beginning of the New (Adhi) Era (Yuga) or beginning of the new astronomical cycle especially for south Indian people. The festival is celebrated on Shukla Paksha of 'Chaitra Masam' which is the first season spring (Vasanta ruthuvu) that signifies new life. The time is considered to be the most auspicious time to start new ventures. Special Prayers are part of this festival for health, wealth and prosperity.
Cultural Beliefs:
  • People believe Lord Brahma started creation of all things on earth.
  • Lord Subramanya and Ganesh like mangoes so people Tie mango leaves as Toranam at the entrance of house to signify them that acts as a symbol to earn good crop and well-being.
  • According to Hindus the life cycle, we have four yugas. We have already completed three yugas namely Satya, treat, Dwapara and now we are in the Kali Yuga. As told by Sage Vedavyasa , the Kaliyuga (4,32,000 years) has started when Lord Krishna has left this world. So the marking of kaliyuga day is observed remembrance for Ugadi.
Ugadi Festival Procedure:
  • People wake up in the early hours of morning to clean the house and take oil bath with sesame oil and wear new clothes. 
  • People will decorate the entrance of the house with jasmine garlands, mango leaves and draw Rangoli. 
  • Ugadhi Pachadi a special traditional chutney known as Ugadi Pachadi has to be prepared, Almanac (Panchangam) will be kept before the deity in the prayer room.
  • After general Puja people have to take Ugadhi Pachadi as prasadam with empty stomach and listen panchaga sravanam. 
  • Other special  traditional recipes like Pulihora(Tamarind or lemon or Mango), Vada Or Garelu,Bobbatlu, Mudda Pappu, Gutti Vankaya Kura(Stuffed Bringal),A ratikaya Bajji(Raw Plantain Fritters), Talimpu Senagalu(Seasoned Black Chickpeas), Payasam, Rasam(soup) will be prepared.
Importance of Ugadi Chutney:

Ugadhi Pachadi represents the six tastes of life.
  1. Neem flowers- represent sadness for its bitter taste.
  2. Jaggery or ripe banana- represents happiness for sweetness.
  3. Green chili- represents anger for its hot taste
  4. Salt- represents fear for its saltiness.
  5. Tamarind- represents disgust for its sourness.
  6. Green mango - represent surprise for its astringent or sharp taste. 
  • This festival begins new joy and happiness marks the beginning of new life. Consuming this chutney represents our life with many experiences like happiness, anger, surprises, sadness, fear and disgust that has to be accepted through the year.
  • Panchanga sravanam which forecasts the thiti, vara, masam and nakshatra, good and bad for all zodiac signs throughout that year.
  • Poetry recitation (Kavi Sammelanam) social activities will be conducted for poets to come up with new poetry and literature.         
Important Facts:
  • Among the months chaitram is the first month, in stars Ashwini is the first and thiti Padyami comes first, so ugadi is the first festival which comes on these aspects.
  • It is better to eat Ugadhi Pachadi upto sri rama navami to get better health from climatic changes
  • Need to pray to Lord chandra at evening because Ugadhi is a festival based on the Moon movement
Scientific Reasons:
  • On the movement of moon and earth the lunar year is formed and it varies from the solar year i.e. 24 hours in a day and 365 days of a year. So the lunar New Year keeps changing.
  • This is an important climatic change in weather as it is the beginning of spring season. Nature will take growth as many plants start the new life with leaves and flowers spreading healing elements. The fragrance of jasmine in the atmosphere touches the senses and mind.
  • Aroma from mango and neem tree mixes with air makes people fresh and healthy. Jaggery made with fresh crop of Sugar cane will add additional flavor to festival.
 The Ugadi Chutney has many health benefits:
  1. Neem flowers fights against skin allergies and kill Bacteria and germs.
  2. Jaggery effectively cleans different body parts and prevents anemia.
  3. Green Chilli improves immune system and maintains skin health, eye vision.
  4. Tamarind aids better digestion process.
  5. Green mango improves the blood circulation.
  6. Salt balances the sugar levels in the blood and prevents dehydration.